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Sergey Shpilko – man of the year in Russian tourism

During the opening ceremony of Moscow MITF-2011 trade fair the Chairman of the city’s Tourism Committee Sergey Shpilko has been rewarded with the ANTOR’s (Association of National Tourist Offices in Russia) “Man of the year in Russian tourism” award. This nomination was introduced for the first time this year and devoted to Barnabash Lakatosh.

The award for the best regional tourism agency went to Irkutsk region.

The Director for Moscow rep office of Slovakian tourism authority Ms. Lubica Aloushitsova received the award for “Active work, successful destination promotion, significant personal contribution to establishing of Russian-Slovakian bilateral ties and tourism development in Russia”.

The award for “Active work, successful destination promotion, significant personal contribution to establishing of Hungarian-Russian bilateral ties and tourism development in Russia” this year went to Tourism Advisor of the Hungarian Embassy in Russia Andrea Segedi.

The ANTOR award was established in 2005 in memory of Barnabash Lakatosh, who played major role in initiating the event. Mr. Lakatosh once opened and had been in charge of Hungary-Tourism representative office in Russia.

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