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Russia is a prospective market for Lithuania

Lithuania records a significant upturn in the number of Russian tourists for the 2011 season. “We are currently experiencing a real boom in visa applications in Russia” – revealed the director of Lithuania’s Tourist Information Center Birute Nenartavichute during the presentation. As of April 2011 the Lithuanian Embassy issued 46.5 thousand visas - 20% more compared to 2009.


However Lithuania is a last country to start issuing multi-visas. Latvia and Estonia started to issue 1-year multi-visas in 2009 seeking to attract more tourists from Russia. As a result the inflow of Russians increased by 50% in 2010 alone. As for Lithuanian multi-visa it can be obtained by only businessmen or close relatives of those who live in the country. Group travelers are not entitled to a multi-visa at all. And the most positive change that awaits tour operators and tourists this summer is the opening of extra counters at the Moscow consulate office, so more people can apply. There going to be twice more of them this season.


Today Russia holds third place in the number of tourist arrivals to Lithuania, giving place to only Poland and Belorussia. And that’s why we have many opportunities to grow. Russia is the most prospective market for Lithuania so far.   

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