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Spanish General Consulate in Moscow issued over 45 thousand visas in April

The number of visas issued by the General Consulate of Spain in Moscow in April 2011 exceeded 45.5 thousand, which is 64% more than in the same period of 2010. The total number of entry visas issued from January to April amounts to 104.9 thousand and is 53.3% more compared to the first four months of the previous year.

In 2010 Spanish General Consulate in Moscow issued the total of 442 thousand visas, which is 59.3% more compared to 2009. The tourist flow from Russia to Spain in 2010 was 605 thousand people, for the first two months of 2011 it added 24% compared to January-February 2010.

Catalonia and Canaries remain the most popular destinations with Russian tourists. This year Spanish authorities set a goal to welcome up to a million visitors from Russia.

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